Ekaterina Porras Sivolobova

Address: Kuwait
facebook www.facebook.com/project189/ linkedin www.linkedin.com/in/ekposi/
Specialist areas of work and services:
  • Construction
  • Debt Bondage
  • Domestic Servitude
  • Forced Labour

NGO sector, Founder and Managing Director of Project 189, specialized in migration, women's rights, labour rights, human trafficking & forced labour.

Experience, Background and Services:
I am a qualified human trafficking and modern slavery expert specialised in the Arab region. 
In my capacity as a founder, managing director and project manager of an NGO working to promote the rights of migrant workers in Kuwait, my experience includes understanding of the local legal framework, identification of victims of human trafficking and modern slavery, rescue operations, assisting victims through legal support, and return and repatriation. 

I possess a Masters in International Cooperation Policy, a certificate on SA 8000 (Social Accountability) and training on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings by the Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals of the Council of Europe and Human Trafficking Public Outreach Campaigns by the US National Human Trafficking Hotline.

Services we provide include data gathering and management of victims and survivors of human trafficking and forced labour, rescue operations and assistance with return and repatriation.