Specialist areas of work and services:
- Child Marriage
- Construction
- Debt Bondage
- Domestic Servitude
- Forced Labour
- Forced Marriage
- International Marriage Brokering
Doing qualitative and quantitative research in areas related to labour exploitation, marriage trafficking, victimisation, and GBV.
Experience, Background and Services:
Quantitative experience in analyzing e.g. the UNDOC crime data and involvement in developing and analyzing European wide surveys, e.g. the FRA violence against women survey (2014). Through participation in several research projects through various funding programmes, I have extensive experience in the application and execution of EU-wide multinational research projects. In addition to the already mentioned areas of expertise, I have also been involved in projects related to cybercrime, trust in justice, costs of violence and corporate social responsibility. The most recent large scale efforts have been linked to the project HESTIA which explored the concept of exploitative sham marriages and the links between human trafficking and sham marriages in Estonia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia. Furthermore, I have recently coordinated a national project to develop guidelines for companies to prevent the risk of hidden labour exploitation in subcontracting chaings