Specialist areas of work and services:
  • Advocacy
  • Shelter & accommodation

A community-based safe house in London that offers long-term accommodation and support for women who have experienced trafficking and/or sexual exploitation. We also provide outreach support to women of the same remit across London who have been referred to us for long-term support following their time in the NRM.

Experience, Background and Services:
Ella’s Home came about as a direct response to contact with a young woman who had been sexually exploited since her teenage years and, whilst in a brothel in London, became seriously ill. At a time when she was at her most vulnerable there was no access to a safe place to stay.
Ella’s Home addresses the current challenge of limited aftercare provision in the UK for women exiting trafficking and sexual exploitation. We provide advocacy on behalf of women and their children, picking up where NRM support ends. We recognise that it can take time for there to be any resolution to immigration cases, accessing benefits or finding suitable housing or employment and, therefore, we seek to advocate on behalf of those that we support through the breadth of these processes.