Specialist areas of work and services:
Community House Damaris is a Healing Community providing long-term recovery programs designed for the recovery of sexually exploited/trafficked women.
Experience, Background and Services:
After several years of serving as an outreach volunteer to women in the brothels, the founder of Community House Damaris began to seek a way to serve the women longing to leave the brothels. Desiring to provide a way to for the women to leave, the founder began a vision which would lead to the establishment of Community House Damaris.
Community House Damaris was established in March 2016. House Damaris is an organization where girls who are victims of sex trafficking can live safety while learning the skills necessary for them to eventually live on their own.
There are two major restoration needs House Damaris provides which are a safe house and recovery programs designed to guide the women into full rehabilitation and reintegration into society.
The safe house is the only long-term shelter for victims of sex trafficking and their babies. There is no government or a non-government organization in Greece that takes girls (18-29 year old) in many cases pregnant to help them through to restoration and self-sufficiency for 3-5 years.
Community House Damaris has adopted the SA Foundation’s franchise model. By adopting this model, House Damaris can provide programs which will allow the women to gain the skills they need reintegrate into society. The programs have been developed to cover the following needs:
-Treatment of past abuse and healing traumas of abuse
-Therapy against addictions
-Skill development
-Vocational art or art learning
-Entry into the workplace environment or school reentry
In the Day Program, courses are offered to help the women develop their individual competencies and equip them with skills for their life and workflow. Some of these courses are: Anger Management, Self Esteem, Parenting, Budgeting, Greek lessons and more.