Liisa Wiseman

Address: Not disclosed - in Birmingham, United Kingdom
Tel: 01216471960
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Specialist areas of work and services:
  • General

Project Manager, Birmingham Methodist District's Adavu Project. Supporting adult survivors of modern slavery in West Midlands post NRM.

Experience, Background and Services:
The Adavu Project facilitates a local response to modern slavery in the West Midlands.

Founded in 2011 as a project of the Birmingham Methodist District (charity no. 1134167), Adavu offers the following:

- Long term support to adult survivors of modern slavery making the transition into a life in the local community. Adavu offers a package of integrated and ongoing support to help survivors to take the next steps towards developing life skills, accessing benefits, training, education, and employment as well as access to trauma and therapeutic provision. The Adavu Project is based in Birmingham but we take referrals from across the West Midlands Police area for our after-care service. Our main area of work is to support men and women who have left the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), usually with a positive Conclusive Grounds decision.
- Advocating justice in relation to the issue of Modern Slavery
- Building partnerships to prevent and frustrate Modern Slavery
- Raising awareness and understanding of Modern Slavery amongst voluntary, community and faith groups, and enabling effective responses to it

My qualifications as the Project Manager are: BA Hons English and French; MA Town and Regional Planning.