• Anthropologist with area specialization of the Balkans for five decades.
• Instrumental setting up Centre for Reconciliation of Bloodfeuds, Albania
Experience, Background and Services:
Certificate in Social Work, Edinburgh University
BA, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley
accepted as candidate M.Phil/Ph.D University of London
• Presented at conferences:
Albanian kinship systems in the present-day for London Youth Action Group, UK
Albanian legal systems, University College London & Fordham University, US
Balkans cross-border Peace Park (many times, many countries)
Women’s Issues, including trafficking, in Balkans (many times, many countries)
Bloodfeud mediation and reconciliation, Int. Peace Res. Conf., Calgary, Canada
Bloodfeud mediation, organized by Committee for Nationwide Reconciliation,
Academy of Sciences, Tirana, October 20l0
Attended Rights of Women course “Stop the Traffic: Protecting and Supporting Trafficked Women in the UK”, Sheffield, 20l0
Chaired meeting on Trafficking at University of Bradford, November, 20ll
Participant in Home Office Science Migration and Border Agency Analysis
conference: “Identification of Trafficking Victims and Subsequent Investigative Measures” , British Library, London, June 20l3
Have written up hundreds of Expert reports for cases in UK, US and Canada
Presented in Court for many cases, including extradition
Committee Member of Balkans Peace Park Project (Albania/Kosovo/Monenegro)
• Involvement in country guidance decisions and the reference.: TB (Blood Feuds - Relevant Risk Factors) Albania CG [2004] UKIAT 00158.
• Served as OSCE election supervisor and observer on l6 missions since l997, including four in Albania, three each in Kosovo/a, Bosnia, Macedonia
• Writer and speaker on social issues in Kosovo/a and Albania
• Led study tour groups through the region (l990 to present)
• Served on Boards of Albanian Studies, School of Slavonic and East European Studies; Central Eastern European Review, Sociological Analysis
• Author/editor of 4 books and numerous publications relating to the area.
• Ethnographic Team Leader: Shala Valley archaeological Project, N. Albania (2005-10)
• Speaker at the Gender Alliance Center in Tirana, June 2007
• Advised US Embassy, Tirana, on social/political situation in Northern Albania, 2008-10