New Victims of Modern Slavery Competent Authority Guidance

The new Competent Authority Guidance for victims of modern slavery was released by the UK Home Office at the end of April 2019. The new guidance introduces single competent authorities (SCA) to manage all decisions regarding victims of modern slavery, which replaces the previous Competent Authority system as of the 29th April 2019.

Multi-agency assurance panels will also now review any negative conclusions that are reached by the SCA that has also passed through the ‘second pair of eyes’ panel. The multi-agency assurance panel will review the decisions made by the SCA and will either publish an agreement with the SCA or refer the case back to suggest further consideration. Any further consideration will be taken at the direction of a manager or experienced SCA member of staff, and a suggestion for further review by the multi-agency assurance panel does not oblige the SCA to further review the case.

Multi-agency assurance panels will draw on individuals from law enforcement, local authorities, and non-governmental organisations, to provide a broad spectrum of expertise on each case referred to them. In cases where the full complement of panel members cannot attend the panel will be quorate if there is a chair plus two members present.


The full guidance can be found here 



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