Unseen Modern Slavery Helpline Annual Assessment 2018

In April 2019 the Modern Slavery Helpline released its annual report for 2018. The report gives the details of the helpline’s operations over the course of 2018 including the number, the nature of calls, the number reports via the Unseen mobile app and webform submissions, and the number of potential victims identified as a result.

The report found that over the course of 2018 there was a 62% increase in the number of calls received and an 82% increase in the number of webform reports on the previous year. As a result of the increased calls the Helpline saw a 46% increase in the number of potential victims, of which nearly half were male, 33% female, 0.04% transgender and the remainder unknown. The report addresses further breakdowns of the reports by the form of modern slavery being reported, discusses the challenges hindering reporting of modern slavery, and presents an analysis of emerging trends. The full findings of the report can be found here


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