Search Results

Antonia Young
• Anthropologist with area specialization of the Balkans for five decades. • Instrumental setting up Centre

EVE - formerly Exploited Voices now Educating
Exiting support, advocacy for individuals as well as political advocacy for legal and policy

Kristine Plouffe-Malette
Doctor in law ; Postdoctoral fellow, McGill University (Canada) ; Lawyer (Québec Bar)

Movement Against Rape and Incest
Grassroots non-profit with specialized services for women with precarious immigration status who are currently

Victim Services
Crime Victim Experts Victim Services HNMCFN Providing emotional support and practical assistance to victims in the

Maria Popova
Political science professor at McGill University. Specializes in rule of law assessment in post-Communist

Victim Services of Durham Region
VSDR provides crisis response, intervention and prevention services to victims and survivors of crime

Gracia Younes
Private executive coach and expert advisor on the subject of human trafficking. Clients: leaders

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Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata - EmpowerMEN Project
We engage men and boys to prevent sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of women,