Slavery on the High Street – Forced Labour in the Manufacture of Garments for International Brands

The report Slavery on the High Street aims to provide an analysis for stakeholders involved in eradicating modern slavery from the global supply chains from garment manufacturing to its sale. Part one provides a case study of the garment manufacturing sector of India and the manifestations of slavery that it perpetuates. The second part provides a series of responses, aiming to secure commitment to action by multilevel stakeholders against forced labour in the international garment industry.

For the full report June 2012 report by Anti-Slavery International, read here. 

Ending Child Trafficking in West Africa – Lessons from the Ivorian Cocoa Sector

The report Ending Child Trafficking in West Africa provides an in depth case study on the labour issues surrounding the cocoa sector in Cote d’Ivoire. It outlines interventions to address the worst forms of child labour on cocoa farms whilst exploring the underlying reasons behind the continued exploitation of young people in cocoa farms. It set out a succinct set of recommendations for international governments, the Ivorian government, industry people, civil society and donors and also coordinated action.

For the full report on Ending Child Trafficking in West Africa by Anti-Slavery International December 2010, read here.